Arthur (Grey Matter)
Arthur (Grey Matter)
Horizontal scrolling is here! When you navigate to one of the tracks in your playback queue, you can now swipe left/right. We're testing this on tracks in your queue for now, and will be applying this to other track views in upcoming releases.
Arthur (Grey Matter)
in progress
Team is working on this now for the track page, hope to have it ready for the upcoming release!
Sol (Grey Matter)
Matt (Grey Matter)
Merged in a post:
UI navigation, horizontal scroll
Vertical scrolling is quite instantaneous, for scrolling through song feed. But a a horizontal action for post specific option is non-existing, may make navigation more intuitive less clunky. At the basic level, easier for user to use.
Matt (Grey Matter)
Merged in a post:
Jukebox random track generator
MacEagon Voyce
What do we think about modeling the random track experience after a jukebox? Like the old school ones, flipping through records/discs.
Arthur (Grey Matter)
What do you think of an IG stories like horizontal scroll style, or even non-scroll that just switches without user action?
Arthur (Grey Matter)
What would be your suggestion for a horizontal scroll? Do you mean in the Feed, or in the Track Page, or in the Player, or elsewhere? What object(s) would users scroll through horizontally?