Make blog posts accessible for relevant artists
Arthur (Grey Matter)
Hey jfrieden, since you've submitted some great feedback here and in the past, we'd love to get some more of your thoughts in a quick 5-10 minute survey. Would you be down to fill this out when you've got some free time?
Arthur (Grey Matter)
Arthur (Grey Matter)
under review
Arthur (Grey Matter)
Great point, we haven't yet figured out a way to seamlessly connect our editorial presence with our app presence. We'll want to think of something that keeps users in the app, perhaps integrating blog posts in specific artist profiles based on whether they've been featured.
As a simple proof-of-concept we could always have a link somewhere to the website and blog, though do you think that's necessary given it will take users out of the experience?
Arthur (Grey Matter): I know it is a problem as long as the writing is not hosted on a platform integrated with the app (which is, I think, the best solution in the long run). For now, if there is a link to the writing (or other things) on a different platform (via a browser, for example) then while it does take people away from the app it will leave the app active.
Arthur (Grey Matter)
jfrieden: Added both types of connections to the roadmap, thanks for the additional info!