Improve user feedback intake process
Arthur (Grey Matter)
Arthur (Grey Matter)
Hey jonwoods, we recently released an update that includes an improved feedback process with space for screenshots and videos. Check it out in v1.2.0!
Arthur (Grey Matter)
in progress
We're working on an update to the feedback widget that'll allow you to add attachments :)
Arthur (Grey Matter)
BTW jonwoods, since you've submitted some great feedback here and in the past, we'd love to get some more of your thoughts in a quick 5-10 minute survey. Would you be down to fill this out when you've got some free time?
Sol (Grey Matter)
Hi jonwoods - just wanted to follow up here! Appreciate you sending in your feedback. Just wanted to clarify Arthur's question - would you like to upload screenshots/videos to expressions or are you referring to suggestion/bug reports?
Arthur (Grey Matter)
under review
Would you like to upload screenshots/videos to Expressions, or are you referring to suggestion/bug reports?