Feedback from user experience
Hi! My girlfriend recommended me to try this app and I found it really interesting, I’ve tried it for the first time a few days ago and have some feedback and questions about it, do you guys have an email I can send it to? (It’s just easier on the computer and on an email format) mine is in case you want to send me the contact information there, not sure if you can contact me through the app. I work on a startup and have done a lot of QA on our platform so would love to help as I think it’s a really cool idea and I love music and everything related to the music industry.
Let me know if you want some feedback from some fresh eyes that have only send this a week ago from the first time.
Facundo Bemaman
Arthur (Grey Matter)
Arthur (Grey Matter)
Thanks for reaching out Facundo! We'd love to get more of your feedback. I'll reach out to you separately via email.