Allow users to add Expressions to other user Expressions without reposting them
in progress
Arthur (Grey Matter)
Good news dylan danpass93, you can now see who has added Expressions on top of yours in the Activity Feed of any post as more of a thread! Simply click the engagement buttons under any post to see Likes, Comments, and Inspirations. Would love to hear what you think about the new feature!
Arthur (Grey Matter): nice! Now we can have a conversation around an Expression in a logical thread. Great work!
Sol (Grey Matter)
Merged in a post:
Reaction gifs
Allow people to react with gifs in the comments
Sol (Grey Matter)
Hey danpass93 i just wanted to follow up on this. I think what you're asking for is a version of what we have now where, when you react with your own gif, it doesn't also post it from your wall. So basically, the idea is that you'd still be adding your gif to the track page, but you wouldn't necessarily want to create a new post with that song. If that is what you meant, I totally agree and it's something we've been talking about. Can you let me know if that's what you had in mind? Thanks!
Sol (Grey Matter): sounds about right 👌
Arthur (Grey Matter)
Merged in a post:
In real life when someone sends me a song I usually respond with another song, a counter-recommendation. I wish we could make a post that's like "this song made me think of this other song I know"
Arthur (Grey Matter)
in progress
Sol (Grey Matter)
Hey danpass93 - thanks for the suggestion - the way that we currently have this set up is that you can add an expression (gif) to someone else's track. Are you envisioning another version of this?
Arthur (Grey Matter)
Arthur (Grey Matter)
We're going to introduce commenting on posts soon, though that will be text-only to start. After we analyze the performance and UI/UX of commenting, we're going to have a look at expanding those comments to include Expressions within threads.
Arthur (Grey Matter): Cool!
Arthur (Grey Matter)
under review