Allow users to add custom text to gifs
Arthur (Grey Matter)
Hey llamasinthesky, since you've submitted some great feedback here and in the past, we'd love to get some more of your thoughts in a quick 5-10 minute survey. Would you be down to fill this out when you've got some free time?
Arthur (Grey Matter)
Arthur (Grey Matter): Wait a minute - are you guys going to work on this?
Arthur (Grey Matter)
llamasinthesky: It is on the roadmap :) We're not sure yet how much we can modify existing GIFs, but it's a good idea and we're going to give it a shot!
Arthur (Grey Matter): yeah!
Arthur (Grey Matter)
I should also add we're working on adding hashtags as a new Expression soon - something we are able to guide a bit better than high-custom elements at this time.
Arthur (Grey Matter): I think that anything that gives users the feeling of customization and being able to "create a message" will be super engaging!
Arthur (Grey Matter)
under review
Arthur (Grey Matter)
Gif customization is interesting but probably at least 6 months out, based on when we are able to start working on new Expression types (e.g. drawing, camera, etc). Added to the roadmap.